In this part, you will tell me what you can see in this picture and what you think is happening in it. After that, I will ask you some questions. Look at the picture carefully. You may take a few moments to think before you start talking.
Are the instructions clear?


ICAO 5: This image shows a four-engined passenger jet, an Airbus A380, operated by Emirates Airlines that is parked at the apron.

There are two air stairs attached to the aircraft, one for the main door and one for the second door on the lower deck.

As far as I can see, there’s a photographer standing at the door taking pictures and some sheikhs boarding and disembarking.

At the bottom of the air stairs there is a red carpet, so I believe it’s a VIP flight or some VIP visit.

The photo shows some people on the ground and I see only a truck fueling the aircraft.

It’s hard to say if the aircraft will fly or if it’s just a visit or some sort of inspection going on.

ICAO 4: This photo shows an Airbus A380, it is a four-engine passenger jet operated by Emirates Airlines that is parked at the apron.

There are two air stairs connected to the aircraft.

There is a photographer near the aircraft door taking some pictures and some sheiks coming down the air stairs.

On the floor near the air stairs there is a red carpet.

Other than that, on the right side of this photo, on the ground, I see a truck fueling the aircraft.

In my opinion, this is an exhibition of the Emirates Airbus A380.

Examiner: What do you think happened before this picture was taken?


ICAO 5: Before this photo was taken I believe some passengers started to disembark and other passengers boarded for the next flight.

The ground crew began preparing the aircraft for takeoff.

ICAO 4: Before this photo was taken I believe some passengers started to disembark and other passengers boarded for the next flight.

Examiner: Imagine that this picture has just been taken: What do you think will happen next?


ICAO 5: If the aircraft will fly, the ground staff will start the arrangements for the departure, the passengers will conclude the boarding procedures and the pilots will initiate the start up and push back procedures.

ICAO 4: The ground staff will start the procedures for the departure, all passengers will be boarded and the pilots will initiate the start up and push back procedures.

Examiner: What are the impacts of huge airplanes like the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747-800 on the environment?


ICAO 5: In my opinion, as we are talking about new technologies and very fuel efficient aircraft, despite the four engines they have, I sincerely believe that these jumbos do not cruelly impact the environment, but there is still a certain negative impact on the environment, mainly because they are burning fuel on long haul flights.

On the other hand, nothing compared to the old fleet still flying and burning fuel.

ICAO 4: Nowadays we have new technologies and very fuel efficient aircraft, I believe these jumbos don’t impact the environment compared to the old fleet which is still flying and burning fuel around the world.

Examiner: In your opinion, if we consider the Airbus A380. Which would be the main changes in relation to airport operations such as airport design, passenger check-in and boarding procedures?


ICAO 5: Considering the Airbus A380 many things need to be changed or maybe adapted to receive a super jumbo.

It needs special care from in-flight separation due to wake turbulence to the number of check-in counters available at the airport.

The taxiways and runways must support the weight of the aircraft, as well as the parking area and apron.

The airport must provide ground equipment for its operations, available only for this category.

In order to serve so many passengers at the same time in the terminal area, a greater number of ground staff must be available.

The Airbus A380 requires special operation, especially at airports where infrastructure is limited.

ICAO 4: For the Airbus A380 operation many things need to be changed or adapted:

It needs special care from in-flight separation due to wake turbulence;

Increasing the number of check-in counters at the airport;

Parking area, apron, taxiways and runways must support the weight of the aircraft.

The airport must provide suitable ground equipment for its operations.

In order to serve so many passengers at the same time in the terminal area, a greater number of ground staff must be available.

Now, I am going to read a statement to you and then you will have to tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with it.

“New technology developed by the aviation industry may result in a change in the demand for more wide body aircraft and less narrow body types.”


ICAO 5: I disagree with this statement because, first of all, new technologies will be part of any type of aircraft, from light to wide-body.

In addition, demand will continue to occur worldwide for both narrow and wide categories.

We can consider a difference in demand in some countries where passenger demand is higher, therefore most flights may often use more widebody than narrowbody types, for example Asian countries.

Considering Latin American countries, they can adopt narrow bodies better for infrastructure and passenger demand as well.

To be honest, all over the world there will be demand for both types, regardless of the demand.

ICAO 4: I disagree with this statement because new technologies will be part of any type of aircraft.

Furthermore, the demand will continue to happen all over the world for both types

We can consider a difference in demand in some countries where passenger demand is higher for all types of aircraft while in other countries only one.

In my opinion, all over the world there will be demand for both types.

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Leandro Araujo