1. What should a pilot do if there is fire on board?
  1. What threats may balloons and fireworks offer to the airports operations?
  1. What are the dangers of an airspeed indicator failure?
  1.  What would you do if you faced total FMS failure in flight?
  1. What can pilots do when they lose both engines in flight?
  1.  What does it mean to be under radar vectors during the flight?
  1. When is it required to jettison fuel? Why?
  1. Why does a pilot need to descend in case of sudden decompression?
  1. How important is flight attendant training for the safety of the operations?
  1. What are the risks while performing an emergency descent?
  1. What are the leading causes of engine vibration?
  1. What are the consequences when the engine oil pressure drops?
  1. In what other situations may pilots need to disengage the autopilot?
  1. What are the reasons that can lead the pilots disregard the ATC instructions?
  1. What may happen to an aircraft if it suffers a bolt of lightning?
  1. Is GPS a reliable equipment for navigation? Why?
  1. What are the problems that can lead the pilots to land on longer runways?
  1. How can non-standard expression affect communications between air traffic controllers and pilots?
  1. How are the pilots trained to deal with situations of pilot incapacitation?
  1. What are the pilots actions if a bird ingestion happens during the initial climb?
  1. How do differences regarding instruments affect the communication between pilots and ATC?
  1. What problems a dangerous goods cause on board?
  1. What are the outcomes of electrical fire in the cockpit?
  1. What are the causes of explosive depressurization?
  1. How can the risk of mid-air collision in controlled airspace be minimised, in your opinion?
  1. How does an engine failure affect aircraft performance in high altitudes?
  1. How challenging can unexpected situations be at busy airports?
  1. Under what situations would you reject a takeoff?
  1. What problems may birds cause when they are flying near the airports?
  1. How can runway incursions be avoided?

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Abraço!! Rumo ao topo!

Leandro Araujo