You will listen to three different communications between pilots and air traffic Controllers. The recordings will be played twice. there is a five-second pause before the recording is repeated. After listening to the recording, you should tell everything that the pilot and the controller said.


Pilots need to disengage the autopilot in an emergency, when the aircraft is unable to keep flying normally with the autopilot engaged, during the takeoff roll and final approach just after the minimums if not autoland.


Pilots may need to disengage the autopilot in various situations to ensure the safety of the flight and respond to changing conditions.
Typically, the decision to disengage the autopilot is ultimately at the discretion of the flight crew.
Pilots are trained to size up the situation and pull in their judgment to figure out when manual intervention is necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft.
Here are some common scenarios in which pilots may disengage the autopilot:
Critical Phases of Flight;
Unusual Attitudes or Upsets;
System Malfunctions;
Weather Changes;
Among other…

Now, considering the three situations you have heard in part three:
How would you compare them? You may want to compare them in terms of severity, possible solutions and ways of prevention. Which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with? Why?

Suggested Comparison Answer

To begin with, considering the three situations, problem number three is the most difficult because, in addition to being struck by lightning, they still had an engine loss, and for me, this is definitely one of the worst problems to solve in a flight. Depending on the type of aircraft and crew training, the loss of an engine has a high chance of causing an accident. Throughout the history of aviation, we have had several tragedies due to this problem.

Situation number two is more complex than situation number one, because restricted military areas and thunderstorms are common to be found during the flight and the controller will clear them another available track to their destination. To avoid it, a better flight plan and pay attention to the weather radar is recommendable.

Last but not least, Situation number one is the easiest to manage because the pilots still have control of the aircraft and the engines are running normally. Since we don’t know exactly what happened, implementing preventive maintenance would be a good idea to avoid this problem.

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Abraço!! Rumo ao topo!

Leandro Araujo