In this part, you will tell me what you can see in this picture and what you think is happening in it. After that, I will ask you some questions. Look at the picture carefully. You may take a few moments to think before you start talking.
Are the instructions clear?


This picture shows me a wide-body twin-engined passenger jet operated by Korean Air which is standing at an intersection.

As far as I can see, all the right side escape slides are deployed and the left main door is opened with its escape slide deployed too.

There are two fire trucks and many firemen who worked to put out the fire on engine number one by spraying foam on it.

I can’t see any passenger, but I believe they were able to evacuate the aircraft safely without injuries.

This Picture is figuring an emergency evacuation which happened on runway successfully.

Examiner: What do you think happened before this picture was taken?


Before this picture was taken I believe the aircraft was taxiing for departure and by some reason the left engine started on fire and the crew initiated an emergency evacuation

Examiner: Imagine that this picture has just been taken: What do you think will happen next?


After the firemen conclude their works, the airport staff will start the removal procedures and they will tow the aircraft to the maintenance area where they will repair the plane to restart the operations.

Examiner: In your opinion, what are the main challenges regarding to passenger safety during an evacuation process?


One of the main challenges during an evacuation process regarding to the passenger safety is to deal with the limited time and the passengers in panic.

It’s very challenging because in an emergency every passenger may suffer a different reaction, and some may freeze, others may try to grab their carry-on luggage on the overhead bins and this practice makes-difficult the evacuation process.

Another thing is the correct side to deploy the escape slides and start sliding the passengers off the plane safely as quick as possible.

That’s why the training is extremely important to get succeeded in an emergency evacuation.

Examiner: How much can pilots rely on Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting services? Why?


Pilots have to rely on their services completely because they are the only support given to the crew after any kind of problem or emergency.

The rescue and fire fighting service team have regular training in order to deal with the situation at any time immediately and successfully by saving lives.

Now, I am going to read a statement to you and then you will have to tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with it.

“Nowadays crew members are very well trained and highly qualified to deal with complex emergency situations, even if they had never had a chance to replicate that problem in simulators.”


I agree in parts with this statement because if pilots don’t simulate the emergency situations in simulators, they tend to have some difficulties on dealing with the quick decision making to take the correct action under an emergency.

We know that all the emergency situations can be replicated in the flight simulators and pilots are able to deal with them very well and they are highly qualified to do so, but if something different happens, maybe their reactions won’t be as successful as desirable.

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Abraço!! Rumo ao topo!

Leandro Araujo