Part One: “Aviation Topics”. In this part, you have to answer questions related to aviation. You have one to two minutes for answering each question. Don’t worry if I interrupt you. I’ll tell you when the time is up.

Question 7.1

Let’s talk about take off. What is the difference between V1 and V2?


V1 is the decision making speed. If the pilots suffer some problems and have to abort the take off, they must do it before reaching the V1.

V2 is the safe climbing speed. It happens after lift off 35 ft above the runway threshold.


V1 is the critical decision speed during the takeoff roll. It is the maximum speed at which the pilot must decide whether to continue with the takeoff or abort it in the event of running out of one engine or any other critical situation. Once the aircraft reaches or exceeds V1, the takeoff must continue even if an engine failure occurs.

V2 is the takeoff safety speed. It is the minimum speed at which the aircraft can safely climb with one engine inoperative after a critical engine failure during the initial climb after takeoff, and nevertheless, it will possible to clear obstacles ahead and continue climbing to a safe altitude.

Question 7.2

How was your first flight as a pilot?


My first flight as a private pilot student was great.

As any important moment in my life, I felt a little concerned about my performance but It was everything as I expected and the instructor later briefed all the details for my own improvement.

V2 is the safe climbing speed. It happens after lift off 35 ft above the runway threshold.


I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, as it was a milestone moment and my whole life, which would mark the beginning of my career as a pilot.

I must confess that I experienced butterflies in my stomach.

Fortunately, I was accompanied by an experienced instructor who guided and supported me.

This guidance helped to ease the initial jitters and ensured a smooth transition from the ground to the pilot solo flight lessons later on.

Question 7.3

What kind avionics do you think aircraft will be equipped with in the future?


Despite the fact that it’s difficult to predict the future, in my opinion aircraft will be equipped  with modern and advanced avionics.

I trully believe in technology, so in the future everything will turn around technological gadgets, clear systems and easy controlled aircraft.


According my imagination, based on what I see today, I can easily speculate in the future the aircraft will be equipped with modern and advanced avionics.

we will see advancements in enhanced connectivity with faster and more reliable data transmission for real time communication.

And also, we’ll have more Advanced Flight Management Systems – FMS at which will improve the automation features.

Moreover, the next-Generation Displays, might feature advanced displays technologies or even augmented reality (AR) and virtual Reality (VR) displays.

These advancements could provide pilots with improved situational awareness, data visualization, and intuitive interfaces for better decision-making.

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Abraço!! Rumo ao topo!

Leandro Araujo